Porter OctaQuadPlane.
Created for OBC2018 this plane combines long range with VTOL takeoff and landing. See canberrauav.org.au for more information
As one of the lead developers of ArduPilot, Dr Andrew Tridgell is able to provide a level of expertise that can help you to make the most of the ArduPilot platform. AerialRobotics is able to provide ArduPilot consulting services on an hourly or project basis. Services include support for new aircraft types, ports to new hardware, driver and protocol changes, configuration, tuning and log analysis.
Created for OBC2018 this plane combines long range with VTOL takeoff and landing. See canberrauav.org.au for more information
Fitted with a Pixhawk running ArduPilot the GX9 makes for a very versatile long range platform for CanberraUAV
Andrew is the systems lead for ArduPilot and the lead developer for fixed wing and VTOL fixed wing vehicles
Andrew won the leadership award for 2022 for AAUS
If you would like to learn more please contact Andrew using one of the methods below